Local News – Friday, June 15th, 2018
The Dent County Commissioners met for their regular meeting Thursday morning at the Dent County Courthouse. At the meeting, Dent County Treasurer Denita Williams came in to have the commissioners sign off on the second of four transfers from the Senior Citizens Fund to the Salem Nutrition Site of $13,750 and to the SMTS Bus service for $6,750. The commissioners signed off on the budgeted transfer. In the road report, District 1 Commissioner Dennis Purcell indicated grading would be done on Dent County Roads 2470, 5610, 5620, 5680, 5690 and 6410. He went on to say that materials would be added and brush would be cut on county road 6660. District 2 Commissioner Gary Larson said grading would be done on Dent County Roads 3250, 4330 and 4370. He also stated materials would be added and brush would be cut on county road 2630. Larson went on to say a man would be doing chip and seal repair on county roads 3260 and 3280. Presiding Commissioner Darrell Skiles attended an Ozark Rivers Solid Waste Management Full Council meeting on Tuesday and they elected new officers: Brady Wilson was re-elected chairman from Rolla Recycling, Skiles was elected vice-chairman and Jay Whitaker from Phelps County was elected secretary. Skiles went on to report that recycling grant applications are now available and they will be due on August 24th at noon. He said a grant workshop would be held on July 26th. If persons would be interested in the getting a recycling grant application, please contact Jill Hollowell at 265-2993. Skiles stated they also have a new camera for cities and counties that can be used to help detect vehicles at illegal dumpsites by reading their license plates. Skiles on Thursday attended a Meramec Community Enhancement Corporation meeting followed by a Transportation Advisory Committee meeting and the MRPC regular board meeting. Dent County Clerk Angie Curley said the last day to register for the August Primary will be July 11th. She also presented to the commission Resolution #1-2018 that established the procedures to disclose conflicts of interest and substantial interest for the candidates for certain offices. This has to be signed every two years and the commission signed the resolution. The next meeting of the commissioners will be Monday morning at 9:00 at the courthouse and the meeting is open to the public.
The Salem Board of Aldermen will host a special meeting this morning at 9:00 in the City Hall Council Chambers at 202 North Washington Street to discuss medical plan options for city employees and select an option for the next fiscal year effective July 1st, 2018. The meeting, called by Mayor Brad Nash, is open to the public.
A Summer Art Party will be held Friday night at the Creative Arts Center from 6:30 to 8:30. This time of year, we are thinking about vacations, relaxation, and sunshine. How better to prepare than to take a relaxing evening to have fun painting. For $25 per person, all supplies are provided including the acrylic paints, aprons, brushes, canvas, easel for this fun event! Led by Tana Kettner, professional artist and art teacher, you will be guided through the process of painting a summertime picture and then put your own special creative spin to it to take home. This event for adults does NOT require any talent or previous experience, just a happy spirit and willingness to try. Reservations can be made by contacting the Ozark Natural and Cultural Resource Center (729-0029) or the Salem Area Arts Council (247-0279) and arranging to pay your registration to secure your spot! Bring your own personal style, your favorite bottle of wine or other beverage, and let us do the rest
The Missouri Department of Conservation offers nearly 1,000 conservation areas around the state for public use through wildlife watching, hiking, hunting, fishing, and more. The MDC is developing a mobile application for the public to easily find conservation areas and outdoor recreation activities near them and wants public input on three potential names for the new app: MO Explore, MO Nature, and MO Outdoors. The winner from the public vote will become the new mobile app’s name when it goes live later this summer. The new mobile app will allow the public to enter a location or use a device’s GPS feature to locate the closest conservation areas. Results will include full details about the areas and directions. Users can also use search and filter functions to narrow search results to see what recreational activities and outdoor features are available at the areas. Cast your vote at mdc.mo.gov and click on the voting tab.