Local News – Friday, July 3rd, 2020
The Dent County Commissioners have now opened its CARES Act funding to businesses within the county. Dent County received $1,827,024 in federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic (CARES) Act for reimbursable COVID-19 expenses that they have incurred, beginning March 1, 2020. The county can reimburse costs up to December 30th of this year. Any funds not spent must be returned to the U.S. Treasury. In early June, the county kicked off its public entities grant reimbursement program for COVID-19 related expenses. Dent County is now offering a business grant program. Per the CARES Act, the county may reimburse those expenses that the business incurred and had to pay even though they were partially or totally closed such as utility bills, rents or mortgage payments, insurance bills and other costs that were not covered through other Federal CARES Act programs. The county has set aside $800,000 for business grants. A separate application has been created for business requests, and businesses must provide documentation to support their requests. Documentation the businesses will have to provide is a copy of valid business license (city and county), past tax records for 2019, profit/loss statement for 2020 prepared by accountant or tax professional, a completed W-9 and other documentation depending on the request. Businesses seeking funding must have been in business prior to February 29th and have no more than 30 (full-time equivalent) employees. Businesses can submit multiple applications as long as the total of the requested amounts does not exceed $20,000 to any one business. Non-profits are eligible for funding as well. At this time, the county is not reimbursing lost revenue as the US Treasury guidance is not specific on the eligibility of those costs. Applications for reimbursement are due to MRPC no later than December 10th, 2020. The Meramec Regional Planning Commission has been assisting Dent County as well as seven other counties in the Meramec Region review the act, develop an application and administrative process that would meet audit requirements. MRPC staff will be handling the grant administration for Dent County. Each applicant must complete a certification form, where they agree to comply with funding requirements, including repaying the reimbursement grant if the expenditure is deemed ineligible in the future. The application asks for contact information and a detailed description of the costs incurred and how they are COVID-19 related. The form also provides a list of eligible expenditures, and applicants are encouraged to review that list before applying. Dent County reimbursement requests will be directed to Kelly Sink at the MRPC, where the staff will review the application, make sure the request is eligible for funding, and verify that the documentation meets the requirements for a Single Audit. A verified application will then be forwarded to the Dent County Commission for their review and approval. Those applications that are approved will be forwarded to the county treasurer for payment to the applicant. MRPC staff will maintain files for the county and track all requests and expenditures. The MRPC has created a webpage on its website where Dent County application information for both businesses and public entities can be found: https://www.meramecregion.org/cares-act-funding-opportunity-for-meramec-counties/. If you have questions about the Dent County grant, you should contact Kelly Sink at the MRPC at 573-265-2993 or email her at Kellysb@meramecregion.org.
The city of Salem will be doing curbside yard waste pick-up the first full week of each month. Items that will be picked up by the city include limbs and branches that are cut to a length of 4 feet or less and leaves that are bagged in recyclable leaf bags which can be purchased at the city utility office $2.50 for ten bags. The city will pick up yard waste that has been properly bagged, cut, and placed at the edge of the curb or sidewalk. They ask that you do not block the sidewalk or place items in the street. The city of Salem reserves the right to charge for exceptionally large volumes of yard waste or to recommend removal by a private company. Items that will not be picked up include appliances, household trash, tires, electronics, lumber or building materials, furniture, or recyclables. Items must be ready and set out for pickup on the first Monday of the first full weeks of each month.
The Salem Area Chamber of Commerce reminds everyone the Independence Day Parade will be held on Saturday, July 4th at 6:00 PM. The theme will be “An American Holiday” with George Flint as the grand marshal. The parade will follow the normal parade route from the SBU campus to MacArthur, then north to 4th Street before turning east, but this year the parade will be extended past the Courthouse to Pershing Street at the top of East 4th Street hill. Then after 9:00 Saturday, the city of Salem fireworks display will be held at The Commons on Highway 72 north. There is no cost to attend the parade or fireworks. During the parade and at the Commons, please use social distancing. For more information about the parade, call the Salem, Area Chamber of Commerce office at 729-6900 or stop by the new office at 1139 South Main St.
Currently on the Salem R-80 Website, parents can register their child for kindergarten for the William Lynch Elementary School. If you have a child who will be turning 5 before August 1st, you can register them now online. Once you have filled out the form, you will be contacted at a later date at the phone number you put on the form. The website is https://www.salemr80.org.
The Dent County Sheriff’s Department has released some reports. On June 16th, a deputy conducted a traffic stop in the 1200 block of South Main Street. During the course of the traffic stop, a 41-year-old Salem man was arrested for driving while having his license revoked or suspended. The man was transported to the Dent County Sheriff’s Office where he was fingerprinted, issued a summons and released. Then on June 19th, a deputy conducted a traffic stop in the 900 block of South Main Street. During the course of the traffic stop, a 30-year-old Lebanon woman was arrested for operating a vehicle on a highway without a valid license, her 2nd offense. The woman was transported to the Dent County Sheriff’s Office where she was fingerprinted, issued a summons and released. If anyone has any information about an ongoing investigation, please call the Dent County Sheriff’s Office at 729-3241.