Local News – Friday, July 13th, 2018
The Dent County Commission met Thursday morning at the courthouse. Gary Larson was appointed to serve as the acting Presiding Commissioner in the absence of Darrell Skiles. Dent County Treasurer Denita Williams brought in the sales tax report for the money received in July by the county. She said the General Revenue Fund and the Law Enforcement Sales Tax Fund each received $93,783.24 in July which is $22,509.12 more than these funds received in July of 2017 when that amount came in at $71,274.12. Williams said year-to-date, the General Revenue and Law Enforcement Sales Tax funds are up $88,133.64 and that is an 18.31% increase. Williams said the Road and Bridge Sales Tax Fund received $44,222.42 and that is $11,350.16 more than what was received in July of 2017. She said year-to-date the Road and Bridge Fund is up $34,359.14 over last year and that comes to an increase of about 15.55%. Williams also reported on the Justice Center Project sales tax funds and they each came in at $88,075.14 for a combined total of $176,150.28. The amount of sales taxes received since the tax started being collected in the Justice Center Project Fund since October of 2017 is $1,149,641.18. In the road report, District 1 Commissioner Dennis Purcell said West Contracting was still working on numerous chip and seal projects. This will probably continue into early next week. Purcell does want to caution those traveling roads that are getting a new overlay to please drive slowly and with caution, and to look out for workers on the road. Purcell also said ditch work would be done and culverts would be installed on Dent County Road 5080 while brush was going to be cut on county road 6580. District 2 Commissioner Gary Larson said a man would continue to load the chips for the chip and seal road repair in the trucks of West Contracting. He also reported that materials would be added and grading done on Dent County Road 2210, and grading only would be done on county road 2150 if there is enough moisture in the road. Dent County Clerk Angie Curley stated absentee voting for the August Primary is still going on at her office in the courthouse. She also wanted everyone to make sure their office has your correct address so that any mistakes can be corrected. If someone finds an error on their voter registration card, or has moved to a different address, those persons need to call the Dent County Clerk’s office at 729-4144 or stop at the Dent County Courthouse. You can also check the accuracy of your address only by going to the sos.mo.gov. Once on the site, click on the “Elections and Voting” tap and then fill out your information. Continue to follow the instructions until it tells you your current voter registration. The next meeting of the Dent County Commission will be Monday morning at 9:00 at the courthouse and the meeting is open to the public.
Earlier this year, Healthy Dent County embarked on a capital campaign to expand the Salem Community Center @ the Armory by adding a new regulation size gymnasium to the north end of the building. As part of the capital campaign to raise funds, Healthy Dent County was chosen to receive $350,000 in tax credits through the Missouri Department of Economic Development’s Neighborhood Assistance Program (NAP). NAP helps not-for-profit organizations raise private-sector funds by providing partial state tax credits to businesses that make contributions to approved community improvement projects. The cost projection for this project is $1.2 million dollars and currently Healthy Dent County has raised nearly $900,000. The benefit to Dent County residents will be a regulation size basketball gymnasium as well as expansion of the Fitness Center that will provide recreational and health benefits for all ages. While the local school system has buildings with gyms, the community’s need for gym space far exceeds what the schools can handle. The new gymnasium will be used by various local groups as well as expanded and additional programming by Healthy Dent County. Additional local funds are needed to complete the $1.2 million dollar campaign. NAP tax credits totaling $100,000 are still available for local businesses as well. For additional information on this or any Healthy Dent County project, please call 729-8163 or e-mail sherry@salemcommunitycenter.org.