Local News – Friday, July 12th, 2019
Plans are in place for another exciting 4-H and FFA Expo starting on Wednesday, July 17th and lasting through Saturday, July 20th at The Commons on Highway 72 just north of Salem. On Wednesday morning, the 4-H Exhibits will be judged starting at 10:00 and the Dessert Auction will be at 6:00 that evening. Then on Thursday, the livestock registration will begin at 9:30 with all livestock in place by 11:00 that morning. Livestock weigh-ins will begin at 12:30 Thursday afternoon. There will also be a Talent Show Thursday evening from 7:00 until 9:00. Friday will be jam packed with livestock judging starting early with the Hog Show at 7:00 in the morning followed by the Small Animal Show at 11:00. The afternoon judging will kick off at 1:00 with the Sheep and Goat Show followed by the Beef and Dairy Show at 2:30. During the evening there will be a movie shown and popcorn will be served. Saturday will be the climax for the 4-H and FFA Exhibitors starting with the Market Sale Luncheon at 12:00 noon and the Market Sale at 1:00. There is no charge to attend and everyone is welcome. Local vendors will be on hand to serve food and beverages for those attending the Expo. For additional information about the Expo contact the Dent County Extension office at 729-3196 or the Salem Agriculture Education Department at 739-2016.
The Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) is proposing increases to the prices of its annual trout permits and daily trout tags starting in 2020. According to MDC, the increases are needed to better cover its costs of running five trout hatcheries that raise and release more than 1.7 million trout each year for public fishing. If the price increases are implemented, the cost of an annual trout permit will go from $7 to $10 for anglers 16 years of age and older, and from $3.50 to $5 for anglers age 15 and younger. The cost of a daily trout tag to fish at Missouri’s four trout parks: Meramec Spring Park, Bennett Spring State Park, Montauk State Park, and Roaring River State Park, will go from $3 to $4 for adults and from $2 to $3 for those 15-years of age and younger. The price change would begin February 29th, 2020. A trout permit is required to possess trout, except in trout parks where a daily trout fishing tag is required during the catch-and-keep season. In addition, a trout permit is required for winter fishing in trout parks during the catch-and-release season. To fish for trout, you must also have a fishing permit or qualify for an exemption. According to MDC, the annual cost of fish food and staff labor to raise a trout in 2003 was about $1 per fish. The annual cost in 2017 had jumped to nearly twice that amount. Those five fish hatcheries: Bennett Spring, Montauk, Shepherd of the Hills, Roaring River, and Maramec Spring Park, also require regular maintenance, and several have been damaged numerous times in recent years by spring flooding. MDC has spent more than $11 million over the past decade on repairs and improvements to the hatcheries. MDC also reports that utility costs for the five hatcheries have increased by more than 25% since 2008. The proposed price increases for annual trout permits and daily trout tags were given initial approval by the Missouri Conservation Commission at its May 23rd meeting. As part ofthe rulemaking process, the Department of Conservation is asking for public comments on the changes during July and early August. The only way to comment is to use this link: short.mdc.mo.gov/Z49. Once you access the site, you can comment on proposed price increases for trout permits at “3 CSR 10-5.430 Trout Permit.” For daily trout tags, you will need to go to “3 CSR 10-5.250 Daily Hunting or Fishing Tags” to make your comments. The Commission will consider input received and make a final decision to move forward, modify, or withdraw the changes during its August 23rd meeting. If approved, the anticipated effective date of the changes would be Feb 29th, 2020.
A free pasture weed control workshop will be held Tuesday evening, July 16th from 6:30 until 8:30 at the Wurdack Research Center in Cook Station. Topics to be discussed at the workshop include pasture weed identification, general pasture weed control, an overview of common poisonous plants and the forage quality of pasture weeds. If anyone has questions about the workshop, they can call the Crawford County Extension at 573-775-2135. They can also register for the workshop by calling that number. Debi Kelly from the MU Extension in Jefferson County will facilitate of the workshop.