Local News – Friday, July 10th, 2020
Have you filed your federal and state tax returns yet? The 2019 federal income tax filing and payment deadlines for all taxpayers who file and pay taxes was extended until July 15th, 2020. This relief applied to all individual returns, trusts, and corporations. This relief is automatic, taxpayers do not need to file any additional forms or call the IRS to qualify. This relief also included estimated tax payments for tax year 2020 that awere due on April 15th, 2020. Penalties and interest will begin to accrue on any remaining unpaid balances as of July 16th, 2020. You will automatically avoid interest and penalties on the taxes paid by July 15. The State of Missouri also extended their tax deadline to July 15th for filing your income taxes and payment. This filing and payment relief applies to all individual income tax returns, income tax returns filed by C Corporations, and income tax returns filed by trusts or estates. The filing deadline for partnership returns that were originally due on April 15th, 2020 was also extended to July 15th, 2020. Individual taxpayers who need additional time to file their federal tax return beyond the July 15th deadline can request a filing extension by filing Form 4868 through their tax professional, tax software or using the Free File link on IRS.gov. Businesses who need additional time must file Form 7004. If you do owe Missouri tax, you can request a Missouri tax extension with Form MO-60. Make sure to file Form MO-60 by July 15th. If you have an approved Federal tax extension (IRS Form 4868), the State of Missouri will automatically grant you an extension as well.
Plans have been finalized for the 4-H and FFA Expo July 15th through 18th at The Commons. Due to the COVID-19 virus a number of events and activities have been cancelled or highly modified. Scheduled activities will begin Wednesday evening with the Dessert Auction at 6:00. Desserts need to be entered by 5:00 Wednesday afternoon. On Thursday all livestock must be in place on the grounds no later than 11:00 and weigh-ins will begin around noon. Competition kicks off Friday morning early with the Hog Show starting at 7:00, and it will be followed by the Sheep and Goat Show. The Small Animal Show will be conducted at 1:00 in afternoon followed by the Beef and Dairy Show at 2:00. The 4-H/FFA Market Sale will be Saturday morning starting at 9:00. For additional information contact the Dent County Extension Center at 573-729-3196. The Junior Livestock Committee encourages everyone to observe social distancing, stay home if you are sick, cover any coughs and sneezes, and clean and disinfect hands frequently. Hand sanitizing stations will be located around the barns. Wearing a mask is optional, but should be seriously considered since those attending are going to be in the vicinity of a lot of people.
Going on now, deer hunters can apply online through the Missouri Department of Conservation’s website for a shot at more than 100 managed deer hunts throughout the state for archery, muzzleloading, and modern firearms from mid-September through mid-January at conservation areas, state and other parks, national wildlife refuges, and other public areas. Some managed hunts are held specifically for youth or for people with disabilities. The managed deer hunt application period will be open through the 31st. Before you apply, here are a couple of reminders about the managed hunts. First, you may apply for only one managed deer hunt each year. If you apply for more than one, you will be disqualified from this year’s drawing and will not receive a preference point. Second, youth who apply for a youth-only hunt may not also apply for a regular managed deer hunt. Third, if you cannot attend, another hunter cannot take your place. Only those hunters who applied and were drawn may attend. Also, some managed hunts require hunters to attend a mandatory pre-hunt orientation. If you cannot attend the orientation, do not apply for these hunts. Whether you apply as one in a party or as an individual, your chances of being drawn for a managed deer hunt are the same as everyone else’s. However, if you are not drawn for a managed hunt this year, you will earn one preference point that will increase your odds the next time you apply which MDC calls a weighted random drawing. Draw results will be available August 15th through January, 15th, 2021. Applicants who are drawn will receive area maps and other hunt information by mail. For more information on managed deer hunts or to preview hunt details, go to mdc.mo.gov/managedhunt. Details about managed hunts can also be found in MDC’s “2020 Fall Deer & Turkey Hunting Regulations and Information” booklet available starting in early July at MDC offices and nature centers, from permit vendors around the state, and online at mdc.mo.gov.
An employee with the company that cleans Missouri’s “Welcome Centers” has tested positive for COVID-19. Facilities recently cleaned by the individual at Conway, Missouri have been closed on both sides of Interstate 44. DBi, the company contracted to clean Missouri rest areas and welcome centers, notified the Missouri Department of Transportation early Thursday morning of the positive test. Both eastbound and westbound facilities were immediately closed to the public. The welcome centers will be cleaned following CDC guidance and utilizing EPA-registered disinfectants. The westbound side is being cleaned and disinfected first and will reopen on Saturday, July 11th. The eastbound facility will then be cleaned and disinfected and will reopen Sunday, July 12th. Parking will still be available at both welcome centers. DBi is installing portable toilets at the locations. The cleaning and disinfecting of the Welcome Centers will be done at no charge by DBi.