Local News – Friday, January 20th, 2023
The Dent County Commissioners met for their regular meeting Thursday morning in the courthouse. In the road report District One Commissioner Wes Mobray said that brush would be cut on Dent County Road 5630, plus his crews would be cleaning out culverts, pipes, and ditches. He also noted that they were fixing washouts and cutting a tree that was down on county road 5610. District Two Commissioner Gary Larson reported that brush was being cut on Dent County Roads 3200 and 3220, plus materials were being added to county road 4060. He also reported that lights were being replaced on Pup Trailer #122. Larson concluded his report noting that his crew was checking roads for damage, as well as cleaning out pipes. Presiding Commissioner Darrell Skiles reported that on Wednesday he attended the MAC Board meeting and the CCAM Board meeting, both in Jefferson City. Skiles said that the CCAM Board finalized plans for the upcoming Commissioners’ training, as well as discussed, several legislative issues. In particular, CCAM will be pursuing some relief from unfunded mandates and an increase in the jail per diem. Skiles said he’d probably be back in Jefferson City Tuesday and Wednesday of next week. Dent County Clerk Angie Curley reported that payroll was being approved by the commission. She also said she too attended the MAC Board meeting last week in Jefferson City. Curley went over several legislative issues that the county clerks’ association wants to see addressed. The next meeting of the Commissioners will be Monday morning in the courthouse at 9:00 and the meeting is open to the public.
Missouri’s 2022-2023 deer-hunting season ended January 15th with the Missouri Department of Conservation reporting a preliminary total deer harvest for the season of 299,721. Of the deer harvested, 140,736 were antlered bucks, 27,029 were button bucks, and 131,956 were does. Top harvest counties for the overall deer season were Franklin with 6,471 deer harvested, Callaway with 5,438, and Jefferson with 4,966. Deer harvested by county shows Texas County had the most in 2022 in this area with 4,700 followed by Crawford County 3,501, Dent County with 3,351, Shannon County with 3,222, Phelps County with 2,538 and Reynolds County with 2,310. Hunters harvested 295,143 deer during the 2021-2022 deer hunting season with 143,815 being antlered bucks, 26,750 being button bucks, and 124,578 being does.
The Creative Arts Center located at 204 S Main St, in Salem, will be offering a Glaze Session for Woven Basket and Luminary Class with Connie Behrick & Susan Parker England on Thursday January 26th from 9:00 in the morning till noon. Attendees/students must have attended a beginner or intro class in wheel throwing or hand-building, or be an experienced potter. In this class, members will finish their woven basket and luminaries from a previous class to prepare them for bisque firing. The cost is $45 per person. Go online to register at salemcommunitybetterment.com and look under programs for the Salem Creative Arts Center. You can also call or text 573-247-0651.
The Dent County Commission has called for a public hearing on the proposed 2023 county budget for all their funds. The public hearing will be held on Monday, January 30th at the County Commissioners Office located in the Dent County Courthouse located at 400 North Main Street in Salem beginning at 10:00 in the morning. A copy of the tentative budget is now available at the Dent County Clerk’s Office in the courthouse. If you prefer an electronic version of the tentative budget, contact the Dent County Clerk’s office and they can e-mail you an electronic version. The number to call is 729-4144.