Local News – Friday, January 12th, 2024
The Dent County Commission met Thursday morning at the courthouse. Grant Wilson from Jason Smith’s office was in attendance and told the commission the Ways and Means Committee is discussing the non-profit exempt status of some universities who are not condemning the anti-Semitic actions at the university. The committee is considering revoking their 501C3 status. He also said the committee will be holding a hearing on an act to keep President Biden from eliminating or reducing TANF funds that help support pregnancy resource centers. In the road report, District 1 Commissioner Wes Mobray said crews would be preparing equipment for the extreme cold weather ahead and making sure it is ready to go if bad weather hits, while District 2 Commissioner Gary Polk said rock would be added and spread on Dent County Road 3200 while brush would be cut on county road 3300. Workers will also be repairing trucks #72 and #68, and a driver is hailing granite chips to the shed to stockpile for the chip and seal repair later this year. Presiding Commissioner Gary Larson will be attending the Phelps County PHA meeting today and the MRPC meeting tonight. He said Trim Lights, who installed the Christmas Lights on the courthouse, is still working out a few bugs repairing some wiring issues so that all the lights can be properly programmed. Dent County Clerk Angie Curley reported that the commission continues to work on the budget and a tentative budget will be available for the public in her office on Thursday, January 18th. Curley said the April Municipal Election will be Tuesday, April 2nd from 6:00 in the morning until 7:00 that evening. The last day to register for that election will be March 6th, absentee voting will begin February 20th, March 19th will be the first day for “no excuse” absentee voting, March 20th will be the last day to mail out a ballot, and Monday, April 1st will be the last day to vote absentee. She also wanted to remind voters that if they have recently moved, had a name change, or had problems last year when they voted, to make sure you check and update your registration in her office in the courthouse. At the last meeting, Liz Condray from SACBA told the commission about the Smithsonian exhibition” Crossroads: Change in Rural America, a Museum on Main Street” that will be at the Ozark Natural and Cultural Resource Center March 23rd through May the 4th. The seven piece installation will be delivered and then assembled at the ONCRC for viewing. The Courthouse will be closed for Martin Luther king Day Monday, so the next meeting of the Dent County Commissioners will be Thursday, January 18th at 9:00.
Extreme cold over the weekend and most of next week could mean the City of Salem electric utility might set a new peak this weekend through Thursday, January 18, 2024. Both major grid networks that supply Salem’s electrical power have issued weather alerts for this time period. There is no specific action required at this time, but things could change quickly, and the city is asking all electric utility customers to conserve or reduce your electrical usage as much as reasonably possible. Missouri Public Utility Alliance (MPUA), the City of Salem’s electrical supplier, is anticipating electric market prices will see upward pressure during this time. What is a peak warning? There is a chance that a new peak could be set for City of Salem electric customers. Although there areno electric market supply and demand issues right now, setting a new peak does have consequences. Setting a new peak demand would have cost impacts on the cost to the city to purchase power and that would be reflected on your utility bill moving forward. The city wants people to know that if anyone is in need of a warming station during this extreme cold snap, they may stop by the Salem Police Department Lobby which is open 24/7 at 500 North Jackson St. If there is a large enough need, the City will open additional facilities. The City appreciates everyone’s understanding and assistance in keeping electric usage as low as possible during this time of extreme cold. For questions about your bill or usage call the Utility Office at 729-4117.