Local News – Friday, February 28th, 2020
The Dent County Commissioners met Thursday morning for their regular meeting in the Dent County Courthouse. In the road report District One Commissioner Dennis Purcell said that weather permitting materials would be added and grading would be done on Dent County Roads 4412, 4124, 5430 and 5450, plus brush would be cut on county road 6670. He also noted that part of his crew was rebuilding the loader bucket on the 924 Cat, while others were building a back bumper for Cat Grader #24. District Two Commissioner Gary Larson reported that no grading was being done in his district and that brush would be cut on Dent County Roads 2330 and 4433. He said that materials would be added to county roads 3120 and 3180 where two pipes were being installed. Larson went on to say that patching would be done on county road 3190 chip and seal, plus Grader #31 was being serviced. Presiding Commissioner Darrell Skiles said that on Monday he attended the Missouri House Sub-committee informational meeting on prisoner per-diem. He said several commissioners and sheriffs testified concerning the approximately $32,000,000 owed to the counties by the State of Missouri, with over $150,000 owed to Dent County. Skiles said that Wednesday he participated in the Missouri Partnership’s Raising the Bar program’s site evaluation of the community and assets by Ginovus, a business site selection firm from Indianapolis. He said the goal was to obtain an independent evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses in drawing companies to Salem. The Commissioners approved a resolution 3-0 affirming Dent County’s membership in the Magic Health Insurance Consortium. Dent County Clerk Angie Curley reported that bills were being approved by the Commissioners for payment and that absentee voting for the March 10th election continues through March 9th. She said that testing of the voting equipment would take place today at 9:00. Curley also noted that filing for the August 4th Primary continues through March 31st, plus the last day to register to vote in the April 7th Municipal Election is March 11th. Mike Elliot with Town and Country Insurance was in to discuss cost estimates and coverage for the Courthouse, the Judicial Building and the new Jail. The Commissioners approved by a vote of 3-0 moving the coverage of the new Jail from Builder’s Risk Coverage to Permanent Insurance Coverage. They also voted 3-0 to set the deductible for the new Jail at $5,000. They will look at changes on coverage on the other buildings in March. Ron Copeland was in to visit with the Commission. Nick Smith and Dwight Ramsburg with Septagone, Sheriff Bob Wells, and Major Len Pabin came in to discuss the new jail. The Commissioners are tentatively looking at a ribbon cutting ceremony in mid-April. The Commissioners agreed 3-0 and signed the letter and abatement for the 2014 Timber Industries Real Estate tax bill. Dent County Collector Shannon VanKirk and Curley signed the letter and abatement. The next meeting of the Commission will be Monday at 9:00 in the courthouse and it is open to the public.
An accident happened in Dent County Wednesday morning at 7:15 on Highway 72 about nine north of Salem. According to the highway patrol report, a 2007 Saturn Vue driven northbound by 31-year old Jennifer Shaw of Salem, lost control of the Saturn on an ice covered bridge and the Vue traveled off the roadway and struck a guardrail. Shaw suffered minor injuries and was taken by the Salem Ambulance to the Salem Memorial District Hospital. The Saturn sustained moderate damages and was removed form the scene by Whitaker’s Towing. Shaw was wearing a seat restraint at the time of the accident.