Local News – Friday, February 21st, 2020
The Dent County Commissioners met for their regular meeting Thursday morning in the Dent County Courthouse. Dent County Treasurer Denita Williams reported sales tax receipts for the month of February. She said that General Revenue received $62,094.36, which was down from $63,075.06 or $980.70 from February 2019. Year-to-date general revenue is down $5,799.66 or a bit less than 3.8%. Williams said that the LEST receipts were identical to GR. She reported that Road and Bridge receipt were $28,447.99, which was up by $370.32 from the $28,077.67 for February a year ago. Year-to-date Road and Bridge is down $1,595.10 or nearly 2.3%. Williams went on to report that the Jail Operations and Jail Trust Fund received identical amounts of $56,812.29, which is up by $741.52 from 2019’s $56,070.77. However, year-to-date these funds are down $2,363.85 each or a little over 1.72%. In the road report, District One Commissioner Dennis Purcell said if road conditions permit grading would be done on Dent County road 2400, while materials would be added and grading done on county road 5630. He also reported he attended a Tourism Tax Committee meeting Monday where one reimbursement request was submitted and approved, while one event proposal was presented and approved. District Two Commissioner Gary Larson said grading was scheduled for Dent County roads 2403 and 6130, plus materials would be added and grading done on county roads 2160 and 5220. He stated materials would be added to county roads 4380 and 4390, plus brush would be cut on county roads 2165 and 2170. Presiding Commissioner Darrell Skiles said Wednesday of last week he attended a joint hearing of the Missouri House Agriculture Committee and the Missouri Senate Agricultural Committee on the feral hog issue. He said two of the individuals testifying were the head of the Texas Feral Hog Management Program and a USDA Hog Eradication expert. Skiles said it was a very interesting discussion and in summary Missouri has a very small window to get the problem under control or we’ll have a problem as big and bad as Texas has. Commissioner Larson said people without cattle or farmland and outside of agriculture need to realize the severity of the feral hog problem. Skiles went on to report that all three commissioners were attending training in Columbia last week. He said that on Wednesday he attended the MAC Board meeting in Jefferson City where the collection of internet sales tax and prisoner per-diem owed to the counties by the state of Missouri were the main topics. Skiles said that even Governor Parson has stated that the state owes $32,000,000 to the counties. Skiles noted that Dent County is owed $178,000 as of December 2019. He said there will be a hearing Monday on the prisoner per diem and several MAC Board members will be attending. Skiles said that all three commissioners attended the IDA Board annual meeting Wednesday evening and that the SACBA Trivia Night fund raiser is coming up March 13th. Dent County Clerk Angie Curley reported she attended the MAC Board meeting Wednesday and had the opportunity afterwards to visit with several representatives, senators and lobbyists. She noted that bills were being approved by the Commissioners for payment. Bids for food service at the new jail were opened at 10:00. Bids were received from Consolidated Management Company, Tiger Correctional Service and Trinity Services Group. Sheriff Bob Wells is to review the bids and present his recommendation at the February 27th meeting. The next commissioner meeting will be Monday at 9:00 in the Courthouse and the meeting is open to the public.