Local News – Friday, December 31st, 2021
Happy New Year from everyone at KSMO Media and Your World Today!!!
The new year is bringing the first significant winter weather of the season. Periods of sleet, freezing rain and snow throughout the state will begin late tonight and end early Sunday that could create slippery road conditions. The Missouri Department of Transportation urges travelers to use extreme caution and consult weather forecasts in your area and along the route to your destination when making holiday and weekend travel plans. Even slight glazing of the pavement could impact travel, especially on elevated surfaces like bridges and overpasses. Slow down and allow yourself extra time if you must drive. If attending holiday parties on New Year’s Eve, consider staying at your party destination, especially if your celebration includes alcoholic beverages. You may need to stay put until the storm ends Sunday and road conditions improve. Road conditions could deteriorate rapidly wherever freezing precipitation is falling. It only takes a little bit of ice to create slippery roads. Bitterly cold temperatures are expected to follow the storm, which could further impede travel and road clearing operations. If you are involved in a crash or slide off the road, the safest thing to do is to stay inside your vehicle and wait for help to arrive. There were 60 people killed and 270 seriously injured in Missouri traffic crashes between December 10th, 2020, and January 1st, 2021. Fifteen of the fatalities and 47 of the serious injuries involved a substance-impaired driver, so if your plans include alcohol, make sure you have a safe and sober ride pre-arranged for the drive home. Consulting MoDOT’s Traveler Information Map should be the first thing you do before taking to the road. The map can be found on www.modot.org, or through MoDOT’s smartphone app, available for iPhone and Android phones. You can also find road conditions and warnings by following MoDOT on Facebook and Twitter or by calling 888-ASK-MODOT (888-275-6636) to speak with a customer service representative 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year.
The Dent County Commissioners held a special meeting Thursday morning to pay bills for the last time until the 2022 budget is approved in late January. The commission will also be working on the numerous fund budgets that make up the entire Dent County Budget. Presiding Commissioner Darrell Skiles said the hearing scheduled in January with the Missouri Department of Revenue and the county has been rescheduled for June 9th at 9:00 in the morning. This will allow the Department of Revenue time to collect all the data they need to figure how the monies are to be repaid. Skiles also wanted to remind everyone the Dent County Collector’s Office and Assessor’s Office will be open today from 8:00 until 5:30 for those who need to pay their personal property and real estate taxes for 2021, but all the other county offices will be closed for the New Year’s holiday. Those two offices will then be closed on Monday, January 3rd for the New Year’s holiday. At the last meeting, Curt Faigle with the 100 Acre Wood Rally stated the rally this year will be March 18th and 19th. The next commissioner meeting will be held Monday, January 3rd at 9:00 at the courthouse and the meeting is open to the public.
The Dent County Fire Protection District Board of Directors will be meeting Tuesday evening, January 4th, at 6:00 at the fire station located at #2 South Main Street. After the roll call and approval of the minutes from the December meeting will be the financial report and approval of bills. Following the calendar review the board will go over the monthly reimbursement report before addressing any old or new business brought before the board. After hearing various reports, the board will set the date for the February meeting before adjourning and going into closed session if needed. The regular meeting of the Dent County Fire Protection District Board of Directors next Tuesday evening
is open to the public.
The Missouri Public Service Commission has approved unanimous agreements filed by parties in the natural gas rate cases filed by Union Electric Company d/b/a Ameren Missouri. Ameren Missouri will increase annual natural gas revenues by approximately $5 million effective for service rendered on and after February 28, 2022. When Ameren Missouri filed its natural gas rate case on March 31, 2021, it sought to increase annual natural gas revenues by approximately $9.4 million. The last Ameren Missouri general natural gas rate case that resulted in a rate increase was in January 2011. The natural gas rate case generally reflected “non-gas” costs. “Non-gas” costs are operating and maintenance expenses in providing natural gas to customers in a safe and useful form. It also includes a return on investment in plant (such as meters, mains and service lines that deliver natural gas to your home or business). The actual cost of the natural gas is NOT a part of this rate case. The wholesale cost of natural gas is unregulated. The Public Service Commission reviews the natural gas purchasing practices of Ameren Missouri to ensure prudent decisions are made in securing natural gas supplies for its customers. Ameren Missouri serves approximately 1.28 million electric customers and approximately 132,350 natural gas customers in Missouri.
An accident happened Tuesday afternoon at 2:45 in Pulaski County on westbound Interstate 44 near the 160.2-mile marker. The report from the highway patrol states that 2006 Chevrolet Malibu being driven by 24-year-old Daniel Switzer of St. Louis traveled off the left side of the interstate and struck the cable barrier sending debris into the eastbound lanes. The debris struck a 2013 Freightliner box van being driven by 26-year-old Dalton Crum of Rolla. Both drivers suffered minor injuries and were transported by EMS to Phelps Health Hospital for treatment. The Freightliner was able to be driven from the scene with minor damage. The Chevrolet had extensive damage and was removed from the scene by Jacks Towing.