Local News – Friday, August 9th, 2019
The Dent County Commission met Thursday morning for their regular meeting at the Dent County Courthouse. The commission recognized Dwayne McClellan of the Salem News for his long time reporting of the commission meetings and that he will truly be missed. In the road report, District 1 Commissioner Dennis Purcell said his district received over two inches of rain Wednesday and crews would be out checking roads for washouts and clearing areas of any downed trees and limbs. He mentioned materials would be added to Dent County Road 2430 and a crew would be doing chip and seal patching on county roads 5013, 5045 and 5083. Purcell also reported that men would be performing maintenance on truck 121 and time permitting, would be doing some edgework repair on Dent County Road 5015 with the ultimate paving material. District 2 Commissioner Gary Larson stated he would have a man grading on Dent County Road 4060 and cutting brush on county road 5240. He said a man would be hauling brown rock if it wasn’t too wet, and crew members would be working on loader #3. Commissioner Skiles attended the TAC meeting Thursday afternoon in St. James. Dent County Clerk Angie Curley said she balanced with the treasurer on all accounts from the month of July, and she also balanced with the assessor and collector on abatements, collections and add-ons for the month of July. She stated the tax rate hearings for the General Revenues Fund, the Road and Bridge Fund, the SB 40 Board Fund and Senior Citizen Fund would be held at 10:00 Monday morning at the courthouse. The hearing is open to the public. The next meeting of the Dent County Commission will be Monday morning at 9:00 at the courthouse and the meeting is open to the public
Get ready for the new school year with the Annual Back to School Fair Saturday, August 10th, at the Community Center at The Armory. The event will be held from 10:00 until 2:00 for preschoolers through the 12th grade. The Back to School Fair is a partnership of community organizations, businesses and resources. Missouri Child Identification Program (MoCHIP) representatives will be on hand providing free child ID kits. Children will also receive haircuts, socks, shoes and underwear. Children must be pre-registered with the South Central Community Action Agency before the event and parents can register their child or children by contacting Sarah Richmond-Arnett at the office at 1405 S. Wines Street now through August 10th. If your business or community group would be interested in participating in the fair you should contact the Sarah at 573-739-3500, extension 10, or by email at sgivens@scmcaa.org.
The Salem Police Department has released the following reports. On Wednesday morning, July 24th at about 10:05, an officer was dispatched to a residence in the 500 block of South Jackson in reference to a theft. The investigation of the report revealed that someone took a 22-caliber pistol valued at $500.00. The report is under investigation. On Thursday, July 25th at about 7:59 in the morning, an officer was dispatched to a residence in the 200 block of East Second in reference to property damage. An investigation revealed that a person or persons unknown broke the glass valued at $768.00 out of the door of a residence. The report is under investigation. Please contact the Salem Police Department at 573-729-4242 if you have any information about an ongoing investigation.
The Missouri State Highway Patrol’s Division of Drug and Crime Control arrested 33-year old James C. Hughes of St. Robert, on Wednesday for promoting and possession of child pornography. The arrest was the result of an investigation conducted by members of the Division of Drug and Crime Control’s Digital Forensics Investigative Unit. The St. Robert Police Department and the South Central Missouri Computer Crimes Task Force assisted in the investigation. On August 7th, investigators executed a search warrant at Hughes’ residence located on Top Drive in St. Robert. As a result of their search, investigators seized child pornography and computer equipment. Hughes was arrested and transported to the Pulaski County Jail. On Thursday, the Pulaski County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office formally charged Hughes with one count of promoting child pornography and four counts of possession of child pornography. Hughes’ bond was set at $500,000. Evidence in support of these charges must be presented before a court of competent jurisdiction whose duty is to determine guilt or innocence.