Local News – Friday, August 28th, 2020
The City of Salem Finance Committee met Thursday night at the Salem Community Center@The Armory. City Administrator Ray Walden updated the board on the 2019-2020 budget as the city is working on their year-end position which may necessitate some year-end budget adjustments. Walden said this would have to be done by September 30th, but he would try to have the adjustments by the next alderman meeting after Labor Day. Walden reviewed some of the numbers from the last fiscal year that showed the city received $321,000 in property tax collections versus the $300,000 they budgeted, and the General Revenue Sales Tax Fund received $1,124,522 while the city budgeted $1,062,071. Tax collections for the Special Street Fund were also up over $20,000 from the budgeted amount. The Salem Park and Rec Sales Tax Fund came in $304.60 under budget while the ½ cent Capital Improvements Sales Tax receipts were $562,261 which was more than the budgeted figure of $550,000. Walden reported on the utility billings and said the city had 11 billing cycles during the fiscal year that covered 12 months of utility consumption. Electric revenues were budgeted at about 6.3 million dollars, but the city received about $5.4 million dollars. Walden said the collected amount was lower due to a decrease in electric rates in July of 2019 of 8.7% and also the milder weather in the winter and summer months. This also meant less electric purchases required by the city. With all that being said, the city only spent $5,080,000 for electric so the revenues still exceeding the expenses. Water sales were down in the city and the revenues it generated came in at $850,000 while the direct expenses for the water department came in at $788,160. The expenses were also held in check as the city did not drill a new well that had been budgeted for $500,000. Revenues for the sewer billing in the city came in at $762,634 while the actual expenses were $741.675. Walden went over the list of capital improvement projects updating the committee on the status of each one. The committee went on to discuss the possibility of getting a city engineer to help with the numerous projects going on and be the driving force in getting those projects completed. The board reviewed some preliminary numbers that Walden put together of what it may cost if the Board of Aldermen would employ an engineer by the first of the year and it came in at under $100,000 that included a city vehicle. After weighing the positives and negatives of the position and what the city is already paying in engineering fees, the finance committee agreed to recommend to the Board of Aldermen at the next meeting to create the position of City Engineer. The meeting was then adjourned.
The Salem Police Department has released their report for the month of July. They issued 16 summonses to appear in court, wrote 74 warning tickets, and 21 traffic tickets while conducting 120 traffic stops, plus they also served 6 fugitive warrants. The Salem Police investigated 10 traffic accidents, wrote 2 property damage reports, 9 stealing reports, along with 2 sexual offenses and one unlawful use of a firearm or weapon. The department investigated 2 possessions of a controlled substance reports, 4 possessions of drug paraphernalia and 1 domestic assault report, 5 domestic violence reports along with 2 leaving the scene of an accident. The Police department also conducted one forgery and one fraud investigation. The department also conducted 224 well being checks and 13 reports of peace disturbance, three nuisance reports and eight driving while being revoked or suspended. The department was also dispatched for 50 animal calls, 20 ambulance assist calls, and one exparte violation. The Salem Police Department received 1,062 calls for service during the month of July and had 77 walk-ins to the station. The department drove 9,050 miles during the month and spent 4 hours as court bailiff. There were 22 males and 8 females arrested during the month of July.
The Dent County Sheriffs Department has released two reports. On Monday, August 17th, a deputy conducted a traffic stop on Dent County Road 6690. During the course of the traffic stop, a 28-year-old Salem woman was arrested for the possession of marijuana and/or synthetic cannabinoid of 10 grams or less. The woman was transported to the Dent County Jail where she was fingerprinted, issued a summons and released. Then on Wednesday, August 26th, a deputy traveled to a residence on North Water Street to serve an arrest warrant. Upon arrival, a 21-year-old Salem woman was arrested for an active arrest warrant through Dent County. The woman was transported to the Dent County Jail and incarcerated. If you have any information regarding an ongoing investigation please call the Dent County Sheriffs office at 729-4242.