Local News – Friday, April 1st, 2022
The Dent County Commissioners met Thursday morning for their regular meeting at the courthouse. At the meeting, it was determined Salem and Dent County received between two to about three inches of rain on Wednesday. Because of that, both Commissioner Wes Mobray and Gary Larson said they had crews out checking for washouts and fixing road problems. Mobray also said crews were working on a road pipe that washed out in the middle. Larson said truck #124 has now been repaired and is back from St. James. Larson also said crews would be fixing some road issues on Dent County Roads 3350 and 4060 as well as cleaning out debris below a number of bridges in District 2. Presiding Commissioner Darrell Skiles reported he attended a CCAM Executive Board meeting Wednesday and then went to Jefferson City to address legislative issues. He said they talked about financial relief for the counties from unfunded mandates by the state where the state keeps having counties pick up increasing costs passed by the state without a funding mechanism to pay for the increase. There was some discussion about the state picking up the Prosecuting Attorney’s salary while the counties would continue to pay for their retirement and staff. This suggestion was received well by the legislature and has also been mentioned by the prosecutor’s association in their discussions with counties. Skiles received a phone call from a group that will be coming to Dent County through efforts by the MRPC to clean-up trash on some forest and county roads around the Bunker area Saturday morning. Skiles said he received a request from the Salem Memorial District Hospital to use ARPA Funds for assistance in purchasing a new transformer for the hospital to replace the old one which is over 40-years old. The cost of the new transformer will be around $175,000. After some discussion with Hospital Board Member A.J. Seay, the commission approved up to $200,000 of ARPA funds for the hospital to get the transformer. Dent County Clerk Angie Curley said she was doing poll-worker training Thursday. She said anyone who has moved since the last election needs to come to the courthouse and get an address change before Tuesday if they intend to vote. Absentee voting continues in the county clerk’s office and will through 5:00 Monday afternoon. The county clerk’s office will be open this Saturday from 8:00 in the morning until noon for absentee voting as well as any address changes people need to make. The next meeting of the commission will be Monday morning at 9:00 at the courthouse and it is open to the public.
The Dent County “Love Thy Neighbor” program is now taking applications for their community home repair service provided by the local church body. The purpose of this program is to improve improvements to houses in Dent for people who have no other means in which to make the improvements or repairs like the elderly, veterans, disabled or financially challenged. All work projects are done outside such as decks, roofing, painting, and yard work, all at no charge to the homeowner. The “Love Thy Neighbor” projects will take place the week of June 5th through 9th. Volunteers will work on homes Monday through Thursday. Who is Eligible for the “Love Thy Neighbor” Program? Residents who are unable to do the work themselves due to physical and/or financial situations, those who have no other means of getting the work completed and those who can provide an environment that will be socially and physically safe for all volunteers. If you are interested in participating in the program, you must fill out an application that can be downloaded from the ltndent.com website. Then drop off the application in the First Baptist Church office on Third Street during regular business hours from 8:00 until 4:00, Monday through Thursday; the Edward Jones Office at 907 S. Pershing between 8:00 and 5:00, Monday through Friday; the New Harmony Church at 5841 Highway 32 West from 9:00 to 4:00, Monday through Thursday; or mail your application to “Love Thy Neighbor,” P.O. Box 732, Salem, MO 65560. Applications are due before April 24th. Applications will be reviewed on a first come, first served basis. Those homeowners meeting the qualifications will receive a phone call from someone on the “Love Thy Neighbor” committee before anyone comes to inspect your home. Homeowners will be notified by mid-May if their home has been chosen by the Love Thy Neighbor committee.