Local News – April 24, 2017
Once again, congratulations go out to the Salem Chamber Singers for winning Gold at the National Competition in Nashville this past weekend!! They took 1st place in their class and category, and received a 3rd straight invitation to perform at Carnegie Hall in New York. The Chamber also received the Spirit of Nashville Award! Congratulations to instructor Elaine Russell and the entire choir.
The Salem Police Department released their report for the month of March. During the month, they wrote 11 equipment repair orders, 13 summons to appear in court, 11 warning tickets, and 15 traffic tickets. The Salem Police Department investigated 16 accidents, five assaults, two burglaries, two reports of disorderly conduct, one report of dogs at large, one report of domestic assault, eight reports of domestic violence, one report of driving while being intoxicated, one report of driving while having a license revoked and/or suspended, one report of failure to obey a lawful order of a police officer, one report of forgery and one report of manufacturing and/or possession a Fictitious and/or forged identification. The department also investigated one report of a peace disturbance, one report of probation and/or parole violation, six reports of property damage, one report of statutory sodomy, 14 reports of stealing, one report of tampering with a victim, one report of a towed vehicle, and two reports of unlawful use of a firearm and/or weapon. They also investigated three reports of possession of amphetamine, one report of Possession of a controlled substance, three reports of possession and/or delivery of marijuana and one report of possession of drug paraphernalia. The police department received 1,156 calls for service during the month, handled 130 walk-ins to the station, redirected 57 calls to the animal control officer and they conducted one death investigation. They spent 20 hours in court testifying. The Salem Police Department drove a total of 7,280 miles and arrested 21 males and 8 females during the month of March.
If you are having problems with your septic system and don’t know how you can pay to correct the problem, the Missouri Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) and the Missouri Association of Councils of Government (MACOG) have partnered to create a grant-loan fund to address failed or failing on-site wastewater treatment systems throughout Missouri, with the objective of improving the state’s water quality. The Department of Natural Resources has set aside $1 million dollars for the fund. Roughly $250,000 is still available, and regional planning commissions are spreading the word and helping homeowners complete the grant-loan application. The Boonslick Regional Planning Commission in Warrenton is overseeing the project on behalf of MACOG, and will process the grant-loan requests. The program will provide grants and loans to homeowners seeking to repair or replace their on-site private wastewater systems. Eligible recipients include homeowners with a failing or failed on-site wastewater treatment system. Homeowners will be required to document that their system is failing, provide evidence of financial need for a grant and must have a sufficient income to make the loan payment and maintain the system. Additionally, the value of the septic improvement cannot exceed the value of the home. Grants and loans can be made for repair or replacement of private wastewater treatment systems for single-family houses and multi-family housing consisting of four units or less. Contractors approved by each county’s respective health department must install new septic systems. Costs related to the installation of an approved system (such as soils investigation, engineering services and surveying) are allowable expenses. Funds cannot be used to connect homes to a cluster system or public sewer system or install an on-site system for new construction. The maximum grant amount is 50 percent of the project, not to exceed $12,500, based up the total project cost and income eligibility. Loan terms will be based on the borrower’s ability to repay, not to exceed $25,000 or 10 years per connection. Participating homeowners must certify they will provide appropriate system maintenance over the life of the loan, complete an online training on operating and maintaining the system and periodically have the system inspected. Those living in Crawford, Dent, Gasconade, Maries, Osage, Phelps, Pulaski and Washington counties should contact Maria Bancroft at MRPC at (573) 573-265-2993 Ext. 114 or by email at mbancroft@meramecregion.org for more information and an application packet.
The Dent County Sheriff’s Department released a couple of reports. On Tuesday, April 11th, deputies conducted a traffic stop in the McDonald’s parking lot. As a result, 19-year old Abby Ray of Salem was arrested for driving while having her license suspended. She was fingerprinted, issued a summons, and released. On Thursday, April 13th, Dent County Deputies conducted a traffic stop on Dent County Road 2410. The passenger, 24-year old Michelle Munson of Salem, was arrested on a probation violation warrant on the original charge of possession of a controlled substance. She was transported to the Dent County Jail and incarcerated on no bond. If you have any information on ongoing investigations, call the Dent County Sheriff’s Department at 729-3241.