Local News – Thursday, April 23rd, 2020

The Salem Memorial District Hospital regular board meeting was held Tuesday evening in the Hospital Library as well as through an online conference using Zoom. Hospital Administrator Kasey Lucas gave the summary of operations for the month of March where the hospital had 115 inpatient admissions with 318 inpatient census days. There were 1,700 outpatient registrations, 1,306 cardiopulmonary procedures, 9,407 lab tests, 1,294 radiology procedures, 701 rehabilitation treatments, 12 surgeries, 241 home health visits and 839 emergency room visits. There were a total of 210 ambulance runs in March with 172 patients transported and 38 dry runs. The hospital showed a loss from operations of $394,226 and had expenses over revenues after taxes of $370,011. Hospital Administrator Lucas said the contractuals in nursing, coding and billing services as well as architectural and construction expenses led the way as well as bad debt expense. Lucas said the hospital received $570,000 in direct aid for the COVID-19 expense to the hospital and that money does not have to be paid back. The hospital also will get an advance payment from CMS of about three million dollars which is about 120 days of normal receivables. This is just in case the hospital needs it and the money after 120 days will be used to cover the billing to CMS. Lucas was questioned about the job Truebridge is doing in getting the collections up-to-date and he said the first month they were trying to figure out how Salem does their billing. He said after that they have been making progress and hopes to see results with the over 90-day due VA account that has more than 1.1 million dollars outstanding. Lucas said the cash on hand has risen to 43 days from 35 last month with a positive cash flow in March of $545,496. The Acute Care Staffing and Acuity report showed an average of 10 patients per day, but the patient total went down drastically after the coronavirus alert was put out in late March. Director of Nursing Debbie Hines said there were 147 cases of the flu in the month of March after 135 in February. This flu season there have been 309 confirmed flu cases. Hospital Chief Operating Officer Jason Edwards said the Hospital Foundation still plans on having their golf tournament on June 5th and the Wings and Strings is still scheduled for September 12th. Edwards said the USDA Distance Learning and Telemedicine Program Grant meeting with the Program Field Representative Chris Collins happened on April 17th and the Certificate of Authority was completed. Edwards said with the schools currently closed, this will slow down the process, but the schools will still work with the hospital on the project. Edwards reported the support group meetings have all been postponed for the time being, but will start again after things get back to normal. In the COVID-19 update, there have been 27 tests given in Dent County with two tests pending. Sixteen of those tests have been at the Salem Hospital. They now have a drive through testing site where you can call the hospital if you have symptoms of the coronavirus to be tested. They will tell you where to park your vehicle and staff will come to your car to take the test. The staff has their own supply of masks, goggles and faceshields, they are required to wear homemade masks at work and are encouraged to wear masks outside of the work area. The hospital has a surge plan and they have daily briefings with the directors and staff to be ready. Administrator Lucas said he would schedule a finance committee meeting for the second week in May and then probably have another meeting before the board of directors meeting on May 19th. Lucas discussed the hospital expansion and renovation with the board and said the financing for the MRI has been approved and the footings for the MRI building have been poured with water and sewer lines installed. Concrete will be poured when the weather allows and remodeling is going on in the old maintenance area and the old medical records area. Currently, the administration office has been moved to the Physician Office Building 3 basement. Lucas stated the new board members swear-in would be at the June 16th meeting after the June 2nd Municipal Election. The Board approved the purchase of new blanket warmer for Acute Care from Steris Corporation that came in over budget at $9,592 before the board went into closed session.

A one vehicle accident occurred Tuesday afternoon shortly before 1:30 in Iron County on Highway 32 approximately 2 miles east of Bixby. According to the report from the highway patrol, a 2003 Harley Davidson being ridden by 43-year old Lawrence Hamrick of St. James was traveling west when he ran off the right side of the highway and overturned. Hamrick was taken by ambulance to Phelps Health for treatment of minor injuries. The Harley sustained minor damage and was removed from the scene by a private party.

Master gardener Thom Haines wants everyone to know that the Salem Community Garden behind the Salem Methodist Church is open and plots are available. The first plot is free and a second plot will cost you $10. This is a great stress reliever when working with your hands in the earth. Whether you have never done gardening before or you are master gardener, everyone is welcome to come and grow your own vegetables or fruits in the plots that have already been laid out. If you would be interested in having a plot at the Salem Community Garden or have any questions about the garden, contact Haines at 573-247-7592 or Sarah Massengale at 729-3196. Haines stated the Saturday morning workshops held once a month are currently not being held due to the need of social distancing.